
Mr. Bikash Gupta

Assistant Professor


1. Roy PK, Lalchuangkima F, Gupta B, Zonunthluangi, Lalhenmawai LH, Sawant SD, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle with Picrasma javanica Extract shows enhanced wound Healing in Wistar Rats.  Bull Pioneer Res Med Clin Sci


1. Nath TN, Gupta B, Novel Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19): A Review.  EJPMR


1. Gupta B, Dash B, Paul S, Bora AJ, Preliminary phytochemical screening and in vitro anti-microbial activity of ethanolic extract of Delonix regia (hook) raf. bark (family- leguminosae).  Int J Curr Pharm Res

2. Gupta B, Dash B, Paul S, Bora AJ, Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Review.  Asian J Pharm Clin Res

3. Paul S, Dash B, Bora AJ, Gupta B, Preliminary phytochemical screening and anti-microbial activity of ethanolic extract of fruits of the plant Annona reticulata.  Int J Curr Pharm Res

4. Bora AJ, Dash B, Paul S, Gupta B, Preliminary phytochemical screening and anti-microbial activity of ethanolic extract of seeds of the plant Punica granatum.  Int J Curr Pharm Res