Message from Chairman
NEMCARE Group of Institutions (NGI) is one of the widely known institutions of the northeastern part of the country where we have been trying to impart quality education since its inception which is broadly guided by innovative methods of pedagogy and a deep concern to our people and communities. Education, as one the most effective tools for building a society, is always respectful to diversities and values that form the core structure. It is certainly a great catalyst to bring positive changes in the minds of students with acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs for more inclusive form of development.
NEMCARE Group of Institutions aims to build a well organised and effective manpower in the fields of Pharmaceutical and Nursing Sciencens including hospital administration. It has offered a basket of degree and diploms courses for interested and elgible members of the society including marginalized and disadvantage sections. The institute has well euipped library, class rooms, animal house facilities, nutrition laboratory among others using which the students may emnpower themselves with both theoretical and practical aspects of their courses. As an educational institution of repute. NGI has already casted an imprint in the fields of research with international publications and patents.
As our coming educational journey will be guided by the vision and philosophy of National Education Policy 2020, our faculty members with their long practical experiences and an incessant desire to accommodate latest innovations will certainly be able to contribute for its meaningful implementation. The vision of the NGI is to create a transformative impact in the society through the nourishing of young talents and providing a conducive research environment for its faculty members. We welcome all our new students to our institution and we expect that all of you will be benefited by our academic programmes and excel in different course of life. NEMCARE Group of Institutions is committed to provide quality education so that everyyone of you associated with our educational journey may fulfill their academic aspirations and stand in the society as committed citizens.
Dr. Hitesh Baruah
Management Committee