

1. Lingkan Deka, Bhaswati Kashyap, Rosy Ahmed, Himsikhar Sarma, Riba Doley, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Sameeran Gam, Bitu Gogoi, Rituparna Borah, Koushik Nandan Dutta, Exploration of the antioxidant and antiinflammatory potential of Vachellia farnesiana bark by in vitro method. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry . 10.22271/phyto.2024.v13.i2e.14913

2. Sameeran Gam, Rosy Ahmed, Bhaswati Kashyap, Himsikhar Sarma, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Kangkan Deka, Bitu Gogoi, Koushik Nandan Dutta, A systematic review on traditional use, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Manilkara zapota. Pharmacological Research - Natural Products .


1. Nath L, Ahmed R, Kashyap B, Sarma H, Bora NS, Gam S, Deka K, Siangshai S, Sahariah BJ, Dutta KN, Exploring the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial potential of Smilax zeylanica extract through in vivo and in vitro analysis. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry.Vol.12 5 ISBN: 2349-8234 . 10.22271/phyto.2023.v12.i5c.14737

2. Banshongdor Mawlieh, Kangkan Kalita, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah, Apurba Talukdar and Nilutpal Sharma Bora, DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF ANTIUROLITHIATIC EFFERVESCENT HERBAL TABLETS CONTAINING HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF BRYOPHYLLUM PINNATUM. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences

3. Lakshyajeet Nath, Rosy Ahmed, Bhaswati Kashyap, Himshikhar Sarma, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Sameeran Gam, Kangkan Deka, Sanduwinaki Siangshai, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah and Dr. Koushik Nandan Dutta, Exploring the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial potential of Smilax zeylanica extract through in vivo and in vitro analysis. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry .

4. Babita Deka *, Pooja Patowary, Deepsikha Bharali, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah, Apurba Talukdar, Bhaskar Sarma, Chintu Lahkar and Hiyashree Sharmah, SCIENTIFIC CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE OF ANTHELMINTIC ACTIVITY OF CITRUS MAXIMA LEAF: A TRADITIONALLY USED HERB OF NORTHEAST INDIA. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research . 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.14(10).5070-7


1. Kangkan Kalita, Bhaswati Kashyap, Rosy Ahmed, Himsikhar Sarma, Koushik Nandan Dutta, Kangkan Deka, Sameeran Gam, Nilutpal Sharma Bora*, Distribution, ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemical profile and pharmacological activities of Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.: a review. Journal of Bioresources .

2. Ananta Saikia, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah & Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Design and evaluation of an herbal anti lice shampoo containing Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge . 10.56042/ijtk.v21i4.33008

3. Banshongdor Mawlieh, Kangkan Kalita, Bhargab Jyoti Sahariah, Apurba Talukdar and Nilutpal Sharma Bora, DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF ANTIUROLITHIATIC EFFERVESCENT HERBAL TABLETS CONTAINING HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF BRYOPHYLLUM PINNATUM. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assiut University . 10.21608/bfsa.2023.300752


1. K N Dutta, P Chattopadhyay, S Banerjee , Exploration of Mucuna pruriens (Linn) starch powder formulations as a natural non-lethal riot control agent. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, SpringerVol.12 ISBN: Pageno:125-130 .

2. Harshita Krishnatreyya , Hemanga Hazarika , Achintya Saha , Santa Mandal , Nilutpal Sharma Bora , Sumit Kishor , Yangchen Doma Bhutia , Danswrang Goyary , Sanjeev Karmakar & Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Amelioration from the ocular irritant Capsaicin: development and assessment of a Capsazepine in situ gel system for ocular delivery. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery .

3. Manoj Kumar Deka, Koushik Nandan Dutta & Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Monochoria hastata (L.) Solms Leaf Extract- Evaluation for Its Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Activity. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research

4. Santa Mandal, Navneet Verma, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Piyali Dey, Johirul Islam, Sanjai K. Dwivedi & Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Exploration of therapeutic role of montelukast and dexamethasone combination against paraquat induced inhalational toxicity . Inhalation Toxicology .

5. Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Partha Sarathi Bairy, Abdus Salam and Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Antidiabetic and antiulcerative potential of Garcinia lanceifolia Roxb. bark. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences .


1. Nilutpal Sharma Bora , Bhaskar Mazumder , Santa Mandal , Yangchen D. Bhutia, Sanghita Das, Sanjeev Karmakar, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay and Sanjai K. Dwivedi, Protective effect of a topical sunscreen formulation fortified with melatonin against UV-induced photodermatitis: an immunomodulatory effect via NF-kB suppression. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY AND IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY . 10.1080/08923973.2019.1566358

2. Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Bhaskar Mazumder, Pompy Patowary, Sumit Kishor, Yangchen Doma Bhutia, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay & Sanjai Kumar Dwivedi, Formulation development and accelerated stability testing of a novel sunscreen cream for ultraviolet radiation protection in high altitude areas. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy .

3. Daphisha Marbaniang, Ratna Jyoti Das, Paulami Pal, Ananta Saikia, Manash Pratim Pathak, Santa Mandal, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Anup Kumar Das, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Subhabrata Ray, Bhaskar Mazumder, Extended Release Floating Microballoons Containing Clerodendrum colebrookianum Extract: In vitro in vivo Evaluation. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research . 10.5530/ijper.53.3s.94

4. Bibhuti B. Kakoti, Sudarshana Borah, Kabita Mahato, Mritunjay Kumar Gupta, Barnali Gogoi, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Kangkan Deka, IN VITRO STUDY OF THE ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF SOME TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL PLANTS OF ASSAM AND ASSESSMENT OF THEIR TOTAL PHENOLIC AND FLAVANOID CONTENTS. Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Research . ISSN: 2319-4820 (Print)


1. Santa Mandal , Manash Pratim Pathak , Nilutpal Sharma Bora , Pompy Patowary , Pradip Kumar Barman, Sumit Kishor, Danswrang Goyary, Navneet Verma and Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Determination of LCt50 of aerosolized paraquat and its pulmonary toxic implications in non-anesthetized rats. DRUG AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY .


1. Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Manash Pratim Pathak, Santa Mandal, Bhaskar Mazumder, Rudragoud Policegoudra, Pakalapati Srinivas Raju, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay, Safety assessment and toxicological profiling of a novel combinational sunprotective dermal formulation containing melatonin and pumpkin seed oil. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology .

2. Nilutpal Sharma Bora*, Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Priyanka Yadav, Barnali Gogoi and Sudarshana Borah, Phyto-physicochemical, acute and subacute toxicity studies of Garcinia lanceifolia Roxb.- A rare ethnomedicinal plant of Assam, India. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources . 10.56042/ijnpr.v8i4.16628


1. Nilutpal Sharma Bora*, Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Barnali Gogoi and Ashis Kumar Goswami, ETHNO-MEDICINAL CLAIMS, PHYTOCHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY OF SPONDIAS PINNATA: A REVIEW. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research . 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.5(4).1138-45


1. Barnali Gogoi*, Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Ashis Kr. Goswami, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Phlogacanthus Thyrsiflorus Nees: A Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research